Verne Harnish

Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It…and Why the Rest Don’t (Rockefeller Habits 2.0)
The Greatest Business Decisions of All Time: How Apple, Ford, IBM, Zappos, and others made radical choices that changed the course of business
Mastering the Rockefeller Habits: What You Must Do to Increase the Value of Your Growth Firm
Whether educating over 7,000 in Amsterdam or an intimate group of 300 customers for a major client, Verne Harnish connects with his global audience in an unforgettable way. Verne is the founder of the world-renowned Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO), with over 14,000 members worldwide, and chaired for fifteen years EO’s premiere CEO program, the “Birthing of Giants” held at MIT, a program in which he still teaches today.
Founder and CEO of Scaling Up, a global executive education and coaching company with over 180 partners on six continents, Verne has spent the past three decades helping companies scaleup.
He’s the author of the bestseller Mastering the Rockefeller Habits which is translated into 9 languages; and along with the editors of Fortune, authored The Greatest Business Decisions of All Times” for which Jim Collins wrote the foreword. His latest book Scaling Up (Rockefeller Habits 2.0) has won eight major international book awards including the prestigious International Book Award for Best General Business book.
Verne also chairs the annual ScaleUp Summits in collaboration with Bloomberg and serves on several boards including chair of The Riordan Clinic; co-founder and chair of Geoversity; and board member of the Million Dollar Women’s movement. A private investor in many scaleups, Verne enjoys piano, tennis, and magic as a card-carrying member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians.
Verne's Books

Mastering the Rockefeller Habits:
What You Must Do to Increase the Value of Your Growth Firm
“Everyone talks about the ‘entrepreneurial glass ceiling’ and advises you to ‘let go,’ ‘delegate more,’ ‘remain nimble as your company grows,’ etc., but no one, until now, ever gives you a practical guide on HOW to achieve all of that and keep your sanity. This guide is all about breaking that glass ceiling and moving to a professionally managed company while retaining the entrepreneurial spirit.” – Alan Rudy, CEO, Express-Med

The Greatest Business Decisions of All Time:
How Apple, Ford, IBM, Zappos, and others made radical choices that changed the course of business
Verne Harnish, the CEO of Gazelles, and Fortune‘s editors provide the background stories behind the greatest business decisions of all time. The book contains an insightful foreword by management guru Jim Collins, the author of Built To Last and Good To Great, which explains the importance of decision making in creating a successful company.

Scaling Up:
How a Few Companies Make It… and Why the Rest Don’t (Rockefeller Habits 2.0)
“Verne Harnish is more committed to helping companies grow than any other person on the planet. Really. He’s also radically practical in his approach and that is reflected throughout this terrific book.”
– Patrick Lencioni, Best-selling author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team and The Advantage

Fees, Travel and Accommodations:
Verne charges the same keynote fee (USD 50,000 for 60 minutes to 3 hours) no matter where the event is located – it shouldn’t be your burden where the speaker chooses to live. And airfare is included in the fee, leaving it up to Verne how he chooses to travel – coach, business, or first – and where he plans to be before and after the keynote. No penalty for overseas travel. A travel allowance of USD 1,000 will also be charged in order to cover hotel accommodations, ground transportation, etc. It’s always appreciated if the hotel room is on the concierge floor so Verne can grab a quick bite or drink without visiting the restaurant. And if you’re thinking about a speaker gift, he prefers to travel lite. If you must, an Amazon gift certificate is always appreciated – Verne loves to read.

Program Materials:
The keynote fee includes up to 400 copies of Verne’s book Scaling Up – just pay the shipping costs. And we can work out a price for additional books, depending on how many more you want as a gift to the attendees. We find the participants really appreciate getting a copy of the book which reinforces Verne’s message and continues to remind them of your event as they read it. And Verne is happy to stay and autograph copies if there is time.
We’ll also provide you an electronic copy of the Growth Tools, to be used as the handout and to be printed locally. It’s another great takeaway providing value after the session and support Verne’s message.

Pre And Post Keynote:
A PDF of Verne’s slides will be available at a link which he’ll share during his presentation and you can email to the attendees afterwards. Videotaping of Verne’s presentation is fine. When used properly this can enhance an event and afford those who were unable to attend the opportunity to share in the learning.
Prior to the keynote, we’ll schedule an optional call to discuss details – though most of the time exchanging a few emails suffices and saves you time to schedule. Instead, if you prefer to use that time to host a webinar with Verne prior to the event as a way to help promote attendance, that’s included in the fee as well. We want to help you make the event a huge success.
Challenges of Scaling Up a Business
Many growth-company leaders reach a point where they actually dread adding another customer, employee or location. It feels like they are just adding more weight to an ever-heavier anchor they are dragging up the hill. To make matters worse, the increased revenues haven’t turned into more profitability, so at some point, they wonder if the journey is worth the effort.
Scaling Up focuses on the four major decisions every company must get right: People, Strategy, Execution, and Cash — a series of One-Page Tools including the famous One-Page Strategic Plan and the Rockefeller Habits Execution Checklist, which more than 40,000 firms around the globe have used to scale their companies successfully. Running a business is ultimately about freedom. Scaling Up shows owners how to achieve it, no matter how big and complicated a business becomes.